Life Coaching is designed to help you accept who you are today, and lead you to where you want to be tomorrow. 

Building Bases

In order to make progress, we need to find the true beginning. The first stage of each module in this program is work that we will do together internally to help you find your base.

Building Columns

The saying goes, “talk is cheap” and that is very true in a coaching program. It isn’t enough to just talk about things. We need to establish action through column building.

Balanced Life

Once we have a base and action, I will help you develop healthy habits and balance so that you can move forward in your life and relationships in a healthy, happy, honest way.

Helping You Find Success With Personalized Coaching

Feel Like It’s Time to Make a Change in Your Life, But Can’t Seem to Find a Way?

Many people who come to me for coaching have something significant in their life that is preventing them from feeling like they are truly thriving. There are countless blocks that show up in life and this philosophy is designed to arm you with the tools you need to break those barriers down.

What Is Life Coaching?

Creating better relationships.

I have worked with people on every side of this coin. People who cheat, and people who get cheated on. People who get hurt, and people who do the hurting. Relationships are inherently designed to be some of our greatest human experiences. So, why do so many of them suck? I have helped countless people answer that question and move forward in totally happy, healthy, and honest relationships that last. I can help you too.

Correcting your orientations and values.

This could be your relational, sexual, professional, or any other orientation in your life. We all have a nature, finding it and following it can be difficult but, I can help you.

Connecting with true identity.

Many of my clients come to me saying, “More days than not, I don’t feel like I know who I really am.” This program will absolutely answer that question and help you have the strength to live in your own truth.

Is Coaching Right for Me?

Relationship Coaching

Three Pillar Life System™ is designed to help people realign their relationship structures. Focusing on our internal relationships first, developing greater trust with self, then developing the skills and habits necessary to improve external relationships.

Orientation Coaching

Three Pillar Life System™ is designed to focus on identifying orientations and then honing the skills to operate within those orientations both internally and externally. These orientations can include sexual, gender, relational, spiritual, and professional.

Addiction Coaching

Three Pillar Life System™ is designed to help rediscover our autonomy away from physical and chemical addiction. This program has been used successfully to reprogram and realign our internal and external presentations which eliminates addiction and dependency.

What Is Coaching?

Coaching is a broad term that is often used synonymously with other terms like Therapist and Mentor, however, the Three Pillar Life System™ is not a therapy program, nor is it a mentoring program. We like to think of therapy as the practice of reconciling and compartmentalizing our pasts and traumas. While mentoring is more about personal connection and accountability. Coaching, in the Three Pillar Life System™, is about providing a highly structured program, a “playbook” if you will, for a client to follow while simultaneously developing and attuning highly important skills and becoming more capable in the fundamental areas of life. A Coach is not a gentle observer but rather a trusted and proven expert in whom you are placing a tremendous amount of trust and leadership in order to gain their experience and expertise and allowing them to develop your practical skillset and capabilities.

Are you looking to create better relationships?

The Three Pillar Life System™ is designed to help people realign their relationship structures. Focusing on our internal relationships first, then developing the skills and habits necessary to improve external relationships.

Are you unsure of what life you want to live?

The Three Pillar Life System™ is designed to focus on identifying orientations and then honing the skills to operate within those orientations both internally and externally. These orientations can include sexual, gender, relational, spiritual, and professional.

Are you struggling to overcome addiciton?

The Three Pillar Life System™ is designed to help rediscover our autonomy away from physical and chemical addiction. This program has been used successfully to reprogram and realign our internal and external presentations which eliminates addiction and dependency.

Are you dealing with a heavy loss or grief?

The Three Pillar Life System™ is designed to help us learn the emotional intelligence and self-awareness that provides peace when dealing with major loss or grief. Grief and Loss come in many forms and learning how to attune our systems can be the most powerful way to accept and heal grief.

Do you cheat or get cheated on?

The Three Pillar Life System™ is specifically designed to help people who are exploring the relational orientation of ethical non-monogamy. Many people feel like their natural state of relationship is not limited to one partner and this program can help you break the social programming of monogamy and explore a healthier alternative.

My Approach

This program focuses on the construction of each of the three pillars. You will be shown how to construct the base, column, and capital of each pillar and then have guided follow ups and exercises that help attune that development to the life that is most authentic for you in your personal life or relationships. 

Whether I am working with an individual or a couple my ultimate goal is always to complete a program with a measurable level of success. There are milestones built throughout the program that will be reach together and celebrate on this journey of self discovery and improvement. If you are diligent in this program there is no limit to the amount of impact it can have in your life and relationships.

How do we get started?

Free Discovery Call

You don’t have to try and figure this out alone. Schedule a totally free, no obligation, discovery call with me where we will go through some background information and make a choice together if coaching feels like the right fit.


Choose a Coaching Plan

Coaching is a large commitment. Of time and resources, for both of us. Once we decide to work together we have to be committed to seeing the entire program through. Let’s make sure there are no doubts before starting. 

Be Held Accountable

Coaching is a unique experience in which you have someone who is truly invested in your progress and your goals. I’m going to hold you accountable and ask you to do things that are hard, in order for you to get the impact you deserve.

Personal Container

This 3 month program includes 9 instructional sessions with exercises, 3 accountability sessions, and 1 month of post-container follow up.


More Details

Each month is a “module” inside this program “container”. You will get  4 total modules; Happiness, Honesty, Health, and Follow-Up. This includes a total of 14 hours of personal interaction with me as your coach, a program packet that will help you with all 12 of your individual exercises, and ongoing resources upon completion of the container that will help you continue to develop the skills you learned. 

Relationship Container

This 3 month program includes 18 instructional sessions with exercises, 3 teamwork accountability sessions, and 1 month of post- container follow up. 


More Details

Each month is a “module” inside this program “container”. You will get  4 total modules; Happiness, Honesty, Health, and Follow-Up. This includes a total of 14 hours of personal interaction with me as your coach for each participant, a program packet that will help you with all 12 of your individual exercises, and ongoing resources upon completion of the container that will help you continue to develop the skills you learned. 

Still not sure? Contact me.